Hunter... A son, a brother, a grandson, a friend... a life taken too soon! Hunter's Barn is a mother's love and rembrance of her amazing son.

"Always Loving...Forever Loved!" Hunter was an amazing young man that never met a stranger. My hope is that his memory burns bright with each candle that is lit. Let these candles represent all parents that have lost a child too soon.

Hunter was at his best when he was outdoors. He loved the changing of the seasons like nobody I've ever met. He could tell a story through the stars. We were all so proud of him when in October of 2013, he graduated from our local Police Academy. He had his whole life in front of him; however, at the age of 21 and 11 days before Christmas, he was taken from us through a stormy night highway accident. As you can imagine, my life will never be the same. My "therapy" has turned to the creative side... something I never did before. Sometimes we don't need an explanation. We just trust in the Lord for guidance! Hunter was an old soul, hence my love of antiques and farmhouse design. Many of my candles are named for something pertaining to his life. It is my hope that he is always remembered for the kind-hearted, loving young man that he was.

Thank you for visiting and reading my story! ❤️

~ Paula